Astrology chart for today
Astrology chart for today

For example, if you’re a Libra rising on the East Coast, you’re probably a Leo rising on the West Coast. As a beginner to the technique, first take note of the new rising sign, as that alone will give you a ton of information.

astrology chart for today

You can calculate your own relocated chart here.

astrology chart for today

What it does change is the rising sign (or ascendant degree) and subsequently the rest of the angles:the midheaven (or career point), the IC (or home point) and the DC (or relationship point), as well as the rest of the houses in your chart. In fact, it doesn’t change the sign or degree of any of the planets in your chart. Don’t worry, the relocated chart doesn’t change your sun or moon sign. The relocated chart adjusts for the time zone and the geographical coordinates of the new city. in NYC, at that same moment it was 9:00 a.m. The relocated chart captures this same moment for all of the planets but in a different city and thus at a different time of day. Your birth chart is a map of the sky at the exact time and location that you were born, showing where all the planets, the sun, moon and other points of interest were in the sky at that instant.

astrology chart for today

Relocation astrology (or locational astrology) is actually a collection of astrological techniques, which includes:īecause local space is more about where you are now, and we’re interested in where you should go, we’ll be focusing on relocated charts and astrocartography. So, what is relocational astrology exactly? Want to know where you need to move to boost your career or finally find your soulmate? Here’s a primer on everything you need to know about this intriguing technique. Have you ever felt pulled to a city in this way-like it was your geographical twin flame? What about that dreamy, romantic weekend you had on a business trip to Ottawa? Was that just a fluke? And why did it feel like you could just never settle down in your college town? There is an explanation for all of this. I lasted eight months in the City of Angels on that second attempt, before speeding back across the country on a return road trip-my Prius’ hatchback trunk filled to the brim, blocking any regrets I might have from the rearview. Los Angeles is a place that inspires me to get moving, even if it also inspires me to leave as quickly as I arrive. Mars is heat, passion, action, fire, libido. So why was I making another attempt? Something had always drawn me to the city, and it was more than just the intrigue of Hollywood and the promise of endless summer.

astrology chart for today

The problem is: I’d tried to move to Los Angeles before, just after graduating from college, and I hated it. It was an impulsive decision-“flippant” is what I say when I tell the story now-but at the time, I was feeling empowered by my choices. I packed up the life I’d been building for nearly 12 years in NYC into a 2010 Toyota Prius and tried not to look back. At the peak of my Saturn Return, I moved to Los Angeles.

Astrology chart for today